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Personal Ads from the Hunterdon County Democrat (11/9/88-1/17/89)

found in John Nash’s “To Do” File


SBWM Dirt Devil seeks Power Stick w/ Edge Wedge, 5.0 Amp+

Magistropygistic DVLMD w/ interest in same. Serious only

Bad credit? No problem! Touch of mongoloidism, hints of past institutionalization preferred, not necessary

Conspiratorial Dimitri Metropoulos look-alike demands Trilene aficionado (w/ discretion)

You: Plush, experienced
Me: Optimistic Spenglerian
Us: The complete Judy Garland collection

Transmission fluid needs replacing by L1 hopeful, cire perdue. Summer, possible future partnership

SWDNT ardently trolling for non-allergic, semi-professional cabalist w/out affect. Lottery winnings split 60/40

Tired of the clinic scene? Urgent self-medicator desires to reconfigure your ethnic/political boundaries after disastrous colonial and missionary experiment

Willendorfic DWF sought for furtive torch-lit fetishization. No shavers

Recovering TKR perfectionist hopes to meet sincere mentor in resignation to enjoyment of small daily pleasures. Transit pass a must

LBDXMvC, devotee of canals, gas-houses, will consider Kevlar sophisticate for prosthetic-friendly Down-the-Shore time-share, May-October

Replacement desired. You get everything. Affinity for large domesticated animals will help effect seamless transition

Sincere yet non-assertive UPE w/ handwashing compulsion needs to spend time w/ compatible ritualist for shared secure public restroom exploration. Bring your own bags

Talking dog (English/Spanish) sought for long-term professional collaboration, friendship, ??? License, vaccinations, Union card required



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